In Germany we all know, that Indian children make more effort at school than kids in Europe, that Indien children are really listening at school and they do their homework, our kids prefer to play at the computer and are mostly very lazy, because they live too much in luxury.
But what I experienced with these girls in the Gurukulam in Pallipuram, it was much more. I love them all so much for their good mood and interest in learning from the morning to the night.
They all know, that they are blessed, because they now live in circumstances they had not dreamed of before. Swami Tattvarupananda is a great teacher and they respect and love him a lot.
They are thankful and happy and I had a great time in December 2017 with these wonderful girls in this beautiful new house in Palippuram. We had yoga classes and if we had two classes a day, they asked for the third and we were dancing and singing and I told them a lot of the way of living in Germany and they wanted to know everything.
I have a sponsorship for a child and it would be wonderful if you all could decide that too.These girls deserve it and we want to take in more children, the house is big.
My name is Claudia Neidig, I´m a german actress and also a yoga teacher.
With Love and Om Shanti
Gauri (this is my spiritual name)